6/6 life
It was not a bucket list but a to do list for lets say 7 years ago ~ Something which i avoided for years ~ Ever since i watch the 'final destination', i always had this impression of being left on the lasik op table and not knowing what to do ~ (we had to have a specs selfie at our workplace first) Finally on the 11th May, pluck up my courage with my twinny and go ahead for it! We had this plan out few months before. I never had problem with any infections of my eye because i took really care of my lens (i cleanse them before and after daily) ~ But then yes, its a bothersome to always got to ask friends to help to buy contact lens from thailand ~ (im using Maxim colour lens which is cheaper in thailand) Another is travelling ~ Yes, i travel often and its really troublesome to count my daily lens usage for my trip and the bottle of solution to bring on. People wonder why i dont go to SNEC since i'm a singhealth staf...