
Showing posts from November, 2020
  So that is why i will always just ask of you to be real with me and not perfect. I do not want your mask. instead, tell me about your nightmare, the memories, your sadness, your pain and heartache that scream you awake, and i will love you from there. Tell me about your childhood and the things you are still healing from &  i will love you there. Tell me about the parts of yourself you cannot look at without flinching, the parts of yourself that you are ashamed of, the mistakes that are dotted like museum exhibits along the corridor of your spine,  & i will love you from there. I do not need for you to be perpetually light filled and soft for me. That is all pretend. Just come to me as you are, stay true to yourself and i will love you as you are. I will love you in each season. will you love me too?
  Hello November ! The month to sparks joy for me! It has been a long 2 month of waiting. Thank god, it took maybe 1.5months to find this nest! It is gotten be my most expensive expenses for this trip to the North-East! And yes may this trip be the most exciting & memorable one!!! Time to look forward to my reno =) But if  if  if.... there is a chance.... i will still want to leave here....
Lyrics: Tanya Chua 蔡健雅 - 十万毫升泪水 Tanya Chua 蔡健雅 知道我不完美 能给的我都给 于是天蓝转灰转黑 也微笑不插嘴 这一次会气馁 连平凡爱一回 都才将心给谁 马上又被粉碎 满意了吗 你究竟有完没完 你烦不烦 总考验我多勇敢 有那么难 那么幸福和美满 我不贪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤单 我想要的快乐很简单 你都不管 人的一生会积累 十万毫升泪水 以为哭完苦悲苦味 能换来好结尾 并不是我后悔 爱会痛我奉陪 只是轮到我没 谁视我为宝贝 满意了吗 你究竟有完没完 你烦不烦 总考验我多勇敢 有那么难 那么幸福和美满 我不贪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤单 我想要的快乐很简单 你都不管 有完没完 我已无条件投降 我要归还 向你借来的勇敢 我不野蛮 不属于我的美满 都不贪婪 只求一到夜晚 有期盼 有陪伴 我想要你给我个答案 你却不管 你都不管 你别不管 我的伤感