2018, you taught me so much...

2018, you taught me so much.

It was chock full of lessons and a year full of breakthroughs.

bring those memories back to life

As 2018 comes to an end....

I hope you leave behind the doubts, the lack of confidence and negative voice in your head....
I hope you leave behind the guilt you feel for choosing that you want even if it doesn't align with other's wishes....
I hope you leave behind the hates that resides in your heart...
I hope you leave behind the things that don't make you happy....
I hope you stop counting all the mistakes and start counting your accomplishments...
I hope you stop thinking about the toxic people in your life...

I hope you stop torturing yourself with thoughts of reactivities...
I hope you learn to accept things that are no longer in your life for a reason...
I hope you learn to accept your past and move on from it instead of keep turning back making yourself tear...
I hope you learn to forgive them enough to move on and not repeating it twice...
I hope you learn to forgive without hearing the words i'm sorry...
I hope you learn to forgive yourself for the mistake you've made over the year...

I hope you learn something from every trip that you travel...

I hope you remember that you cannot change what happened yesterday and reflect what you can do better today….
I hope you remember that you are better off without some one's anchor...
I hope you understand that you will climb the mountains or rocks  and then you will slide or fall back down...
I hope you find new people to surround yourself with good vibes...
I hope you find someone who will love you and respect you despite your quirks....

I hope you start focusing on how you are going to do something better in the future...
I hope you stop stressing over the what ifs you can and cannot change...
I hope you are not too hard on yourself on the path you took for this past twelve months...
I hope you still love yourself even on the days you doubt yourself or feeling depressed...
I hope you are kind to yourself in a brand new year...
Lastly I hope you remember that next year doesn't have to be a repeat of this year...

2018, from you, I hoped and I learned....
Thank you.
I'm ready for 2019...
And I will keep on smiling....



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