
Showing posts from 2013
2013, I have learnt how precious friends are,  those that has gone thru the good & bad times in school with me...  im thankful to each and everyone of u ~  those that has laughed with me, cried with me, hold onto me,  support me and not forgetting those that has left me...  2013, i have learnt that not all people can be trusted nor believe,  misunderstood & unappreciated because everything happen for a reason,  you just need to deal with it ~  2013, i have learnt that some scar heal, or should i say,  numb because you dont bother about it anymore....  2013, i cant be more thankful for knowing you,   the best type of happiness that comes from within...  2013, i have step my foot out and travel again,  be it near or far, that has always been my goal isnt it ~   Thank You 2013 for everything!     2014   i look forward...
sep-oct ~ set my foot on 3 capitals, 1 town & 1 island in 4 weeks~ took 5 different airlines ~ airport seems like my second home ~   really a wanderlust feeling ~ exhausted but love it ~ no solo trip this time ~ travel with good friends, laughter all around ~ made some new friends and kids =) looking forward to next year major trips coming up =)  
The best thing in life is to travel ~ travel when young ~ travel when you can ~ travel when you know you are still alive ~
我们可以耐心的等,     幸福可以来得慢一些,    只要它是真的。。。
总有一个地方,一辈子不会再提起,却也一辈子不会忘记。 总有一个人,一句对不起让你心痛,刻骨铭心。 总有一段情,一直住在心里,却告别在生活里。 忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,错过的就当是路过吧。 来来往往身边出现很多人,总有一个位子,一直没有变。 看看温暖的阳光,偶尔还是会想一想。。。 我只祝福你一个人。。。
autumn, wait for me ~ im flying over now ~
stepping into a month i love ~ am i really happy?
爱情,不快乐是找一个完美的人来爱, 而是在一个不完美的人身上看见完美。 ~情人节快乐~
我不美,不白,不富。。。 我只是一个很普通的普通人, 只是想做我喜欢的事, 爱我想爱的人。。。
i had the best nurses day gift this year ~ 
   三个忘记:  忘记年龄, 忘记过去, 忘记恩怨 五个要:  要唱, 要跳, 要消, 要笑, 要苗条 六个不能:  不能饿了才吃, 不能渴了才喝,  不能困了才睡, 不能累了才歇,  不能病了才检查, 不能老了才后悔。


希望七月会好一点和久一点 ~
真正的爱 ~  不是觉得累了就放手 ~  不是觉得不适合就分开 ~ 是既是再累也要在一起 ~ 既是不适合也想努力争取 ~ 累是因为在乎 ~ 不适合是因为爱得不够 ~ 真正的爱没有那么多借口 ~ 
还以为读完书,回到工作岗位上 ~ 做事小心, 一切会顺顺利利~ 哪知道,开工前几天 ~ 一切都变了。。。 还以为人性会变好, 原来我错了。。。 发生的事是不能到回。。。 我再也没有心情做工了。。。 这六月,我好伤心好伤心。。。
  人生四季,在这八个月来, 我们从懵懂到成熟, 从纯真到清澈, 从吵架到不合, 从学习、领悟到从容, 一个起点,一段旅程, 一次经历, 一起走过, 整个过程必须亲自体验, 才知道 是天堂还是地狱, 是沙漠还是绿洲 ~ 谢谢你们陪我度过了这三十二周的路程 ~
写一句话, 给一个人 ~
青春就是疯狂的喯跑, 然后华丽地跌倒后起身带着微笑继续向前跑 ~
as much as i love tulip ~ how can i miss out this event ~ tulipmania ~ *was a bit disappointing as the tulip was still blooming* well, yes i didnt know tulip was rank no.3 in the world ~ i love spring ~ because i can see tulip ~ but well not in singapore ~ Tulip is easily recognise & the meaning of tulip is generally perfect love ~ tulips come in many diff colour ~ which will brighten one's day ~ Hence the different colours of tulip carry different meaning ~ Red Tulips - Declaration of true love ~    Pink Tulips- a symbol of caring, attachment (not as strong as love, like the red ones) and good wishes. They would be appropriate for a friend or family member ~ White Tulips- representing purity, innocence, forgiveness and respect, they would be a great flower for a wedding or to give with an apology. (Cream-colored tulips are closely related and have a meaning of commitment.) Purple Tulips- symbolizing royalty (...
stepping into the month of May ~ its not exactly a month that i fancy ~ maybe it does 4 years ago ~ but not now anymore ~ i dont wish to be reminded of this month ~ this particular day or whoever bday ~ i just want to keep myself occupy for the whole of this month ~ i just want to smile ~
  有些事,會讓你用眼淚哭。 有些事,會讓你埋在心底里哭。\ 有些事, 會讓你整個靈魂哭。 我們每一個人,都會遇見絕望和痛苦, 所有人都 會哭,而流淚往往不是最傷心的。 你可能心喪若死,卻面無表情, 枯 坐了幾天,才突然哭出來, 淚水流下時,你才是得救了。 眼淚是心裡 的毒,流出來就好了
a last min plan trip ~  didnt want to go far so we settled for HCMC ~  had fun with the gals and boys ~ its a nice place with cheap foods and beers ~ 
first trip of the year 2013... short but its gotten be fun =)
有些伤口,时间久了就会慢慢长好。。。 有些委屈,受够了想通了也就了解了。。。 有些伤痛,忍过了痛久了也就习惯了。。。 然而却在很多孤独的瞬间,又重新涌上心头。。。 其实有些藏在心底的话,并不是故意要去隐瞒。。。 只是并不是所有的疼痛,都可以呐喊。。。
这几天心情有一点七上八下。。。 动不动就把眼泪给落下。。。 真的好不争气握。。。 想了好多好多事。。。 为甚么做人那么命苦。。。 爱一个人那么辛苦。。。 忘掉一个人那么痛苦。。。 有没有人能告诉我???
    相愛不是只顧著凝望著彼此, 而是一起朝著相同的方向望去。

插班生 The Freshman 《逞强》 "我要嫁出去" 插曲 (Official MV - HQ)

有點煩 是有點煩 我習慣沉默對峙吶喊 駕駛盤 隨他去轉 免得說我刁蠻   有點難 真的好難 我們得獨立同時委婉 多脆弱才算適度的勇敢 聰明人對愛很柔軟 內心很強悍 現在懂是否已太晚 是逞強或堅強 委屈都自己扛 我以為那是一種退讓 是一種善良 我站在你身旁 冷靜得像堵牆 把淚水都抵擋 遮住自己傷口的真相 最後誰有心思體諒 (多希望有人會體諒) 我的趾高氣揚 (我的不愿投降) 是逞強或堅強 越隱藏 越恐惶 越是防不勝防 越設防 越逃亡 淪為沉默羔羊 為何不能夠好好愛一場 公平著不需要誰投降 是堅強或。。。逞強
  曾么样才算真爱?  两个人在一起,究竟是命运还是缘分?  是不是有人就会一再的相遇呢? "相遇的人不一定能相知",  "相知的人不一定能相爱",  "相爱的人不一定能相守", "命运让两个人遇上,但未必会成全两个人的命运", " 或许它只是单纯的让两个人遇上。。。 -Marry Me-
  【处女座】 揭下面具以后的处女座处事冷静、沉着、内敛、稳重; 容不 得别人的背叛,对背叛自己的人绝不原谅,对敌人下手狠毒 ,冷血至及。  面具下:多疑、没安全感。他们用情至深,在爱上一个人之 后是绝对不会轻言放弃的。 但他们只会默默的爱着,悲情暗 恋者的典范;内心其实非常的脆弱,非常敏感。 处女座谈感情理性居多,并不是欠缺热情,而是同理心强的 他们好像每天在写考卷, 明明现在很想你,又怕你在忙所以 就没打电话了。 明明病的头顶冒烟,怕你陪她太累就告诉你 病快好了。 谨慎的经营爱情,自我要求不能无理取闹,出发 点不自私但让对方无法感受被需要。 处女座很害怕孤单 。处女座懂得浪漫 幻想 。处女座人细心 温柔 大方 善良。 处女座很讨厌别人骗他。处女座常常被人说是忽冷忽 热。 处女座常常让人觉得他们闷闷不乐。处女座对陌生人无 视,对不熟的人外热内冷。 处女座是不用对别人放电却可以 将人电到的唯一星座~~ 自 主的女孩,假装不懂却把事情看的很透彻。 渴望爱却不知怎 么保留爱。 处女座怕工作做不好,怕给别人添麻烦这种忧虑心理也会产 生一定的弱点。 如喜欢钻牛角尖、烦躁、吹毛求疵,无意中 引起了紧张的气氛, 过多的思考与理智会限制你的视野,加 剧对自我生活的控制。 担心新事物的出现会打乱原有的一切 秩序,并会把自己孤立起来。
In the world of love, working hard doesnt guarantee you good result ~ You might not reap what you sow ~ Its not that fair ~ Sometimes when you're choosing someone, others are nitpicking on you too ~ In the handbook of love, there is no win or lose, no right or wrong ~ In fact, you'll even sacrifice your rights and interest willingly ~ A long r/s bound to be dull as the man & woman are too used to each other ~ You know what he likes, as well as his weakness ~ You cant be bothered to get jealous ~ But one day, you 'll question if this is really love ~ When love loses it sparks, the longer two lovers are together ~ the more they dread to get married ~ Do you believe getting ............... - Marry Me -
  如果我不在乎这段友情, 我不会对你发脾气。。。 如果我不在乎这段友情, 我就不会那样说你。。。 这全都是为你好。。。
On this planet of over 7 billion people ~ we end up connecting with a minute or even second fraction of humans throughout our lives.  The parents that we are born to, the siblings around us, the friends that we make, the strangers that we met along the way, and lastly the one we ended up with ~ Happiness ? Sadness ?   Is any of this destined or fated? what lead us to meet who we were meant to meet,  or is it all this random?  do certain people sing our tune and dance along with us?  Is there any chemistry involved?  are there any invisible silver threads between us and others? life is fading fast away ~ another piece of fascinating puzzle which we call human life ~
    这个世界上肯定有另一个我, 做着我不敢做的事, 过着我想过的生活!
  be the reason for her smile ~