Sat @ Billy Bombers

its beEn thE 3rd yEar wE all MF gather tO celebrate eacH other bdaY!!!

MelyUn Jie Bday


Opening thE bday prEsent~

a sUrprlSe fOr hEr lifE hee~

tOo shOcked to say anything~

whO camE uP with thlS idEa

p/s: wanNa know whAt we get foR HER~
oh,its thE fOlded uP 'hEart shapEd' 10 bUcks nOtes fOr her with all thE small little wishes foR her~

a pUb @ Selegle,thE gals w/o gUys

anD u know what~i jUst rEalise~
mY hanD is sOoo smAll than a nOrmal hanD haa~
my family 'yi chUan' small hAnds + small lEgs~


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