
Showing posts from March, 2006
LESS THAN 12HRS~ i'm really panicking~ and gUess what~ i even had a drEam on driving~ eh but i forgOt what is it abOut liao~ even taking exam i'm not tat panicking! yeah~i am!!! and I NEED A LOT OF LUCKSSSSsssss bE rEady tO gEt belng fOol by mE tml haa~ no wonder its gOod or bAd!!!
CountdOwn to 3 more days to TP tEst~ i'm bOred~ nOthing tO bLog this few days~ tOday last day seEing my 96 instrutor~ haa~hopefUlly is last cOs i wanna pass mah~ i'm amazed by this thing~ find anything unusal lala~its my name although the pages inside are empty~ bUt at least i've a bOok pUblished with my naMe HAA~ gUess mOst of U graduates might have received tOo! anD i can wrltE my oWn stOry oUt hee~ nice gd imagination hor hee~
sometimes really~ u cannot sklp driving for too lOng~ ah bO everything will bE gOne~ anD yesh its sU*ks~ whEn u know ur TP test is cOming nearer in another 5 days time!!!
last paper last eXam of final sems~ last sEating at the sch spOrts hall~ last of all of cOs~ bUt i dUn cOunt mysElf as a gradUate till i received the cEr~ bUt of cos i still have 1 mOre paper tO go in another month timE!!! my rEpeat mOdule!!! sometimes it doesn't mean a bad thing tO stay over another month~ its allright if my prcP is pUsh back~ cOs i'm not mentally prepareD~ 1 mOre month fOr mE tO baCk uP everything!!! its allright if i dUn get tO enjoy the same holiday as my friends~ anD i find it leSs wOrrying as i dun neEd tO save uP sO urgently, just for the oversEas trlp with my pOly friends which is making mE panicking always whEnever its mEntion~ of cOs will fEel sad nOt being ablE tO go on an hOliday wlth thEm as oUt 'bl yE lU xin' ~what tO do,likE that lor~ tat's all fOr today~ oh tml SuperBand anyonE wanna jOin uS gO & sEe hee~
sO is it a gOod thing tO have 'eye infection' or 'conjunctivites'? NEITHER~ bUt i've gOt either 1 of thEm today~ sU*ks~ cOs its on my Exam day~ daMn~ allright~ its EYE INFECTION on my Left lOwer eyEliD~ perhaps dUe to my lEns~ early mOrning thOugh of waklng uP tO study in thE end spEnd the whOle morning seEing a dOc~ an antiblotlc is all i gEt!!! hOpe its gEt better by frlday~ claO tO nap liao!!!
yOhOooo~ tOday is sO exciting~ sO happy~ lalalala~ my efforts didn't pay ofF~ cOs i promlSe my instrutor,my friends etc tO wait fOr my gOod news jUst nOw~ anDdddddddd yEah~i pass my FTT~ it mighT bE an easy casE tO others~ bUt to mE is after sO many tlmEs~ hee~ rEally must thankz & bE grEatfUl tO: my 'Car 96 instrutor' fOr lending me his bOok & giving mE supPort always~ tell mE whiCh instrutOr will bE sO gd till lEnd U his bOok tO study~ telling u this & that~ *bUt dUn be mistakEn he's gOod tO all gUys & gals* & nO worries i'll sms u the gOod news on April fOol hee~ nOt forgetting this GOH liQi hor~ last min then makE me panic by asking me a qUe which i dUnno~ in the end also nv cOme out~ anD of cOs Shuli hee~ whO always wait fOr mE whEn i take my ttt~ last bUt not least is i managEd to bOok MY TP TEST ON APRIL FOOLS~ *wondering y sO fast right,cOs got lObang mah hee* better tO be fast than rather wait & wait~ makE me sO kan jiOng man~ I CA...
[[[[[[ PlctUre fOr thE daY ]]]]]]
i gUess gOd mUst havE been v.gOod tO me liaO~ its just that i'm tOo slOw in rEacting & acCepting it~
PRCP attachment timetablE is oUt~ bUt another bad news camE~ my attachment haS tO be pOstpOne~ i cant gO on attachment date same as my friends~ jUst becOs of my fail modules in ses 1~ i cant finish everything by may~ i'm not even sUre i can gradute smoothly in jUne a not~ its the last weEk for everyOne~ fOr everyoNe bUt nOt mE~ i still havE tO go back sch even dUring stUdy weEk for my repeat modUle lec~ nO more goOd friends arOund mE~ i'm sUrround with all thoSe other grPs strangers~ all nOt known tO me at all~ thEy have their friends,whO cares abOut U! i'vE tO learn bEing independent again~ liKE i'm back tO yr 1! prOject~ dUn even knOw i'm dOing with whO~ fU** i'm back tO this lOnely path again~ sO f*** uP!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wEnt kbOx tO sing my heart oUt~ nO sld bE lUff my heart oUt~ nOt thinking abOut anything~ bUt times gOlng back hOme~ rEminds mE again~ i'm always wOrking haRd than others bUt no effOrt is paid off!!! i'm brEathi...
Sat @ Billy Bombers its beEn thE 3rd yEar wE all MF gather tO celebrate eacH other bdaY!!! MelyUn Jie Bday CuT CAKe Opening thE bday prEsent~ a sUrprlSe fOr hEr lifE hee~ tOo shOcked to say anything~ whO camE uP with thlS idEa p/s: wanNa know whAt we get foR HER~ oh,its thE fOlded uP 'hEart shapEd' 10 bUcks nOtes fOr her with all thE small little wishes foR her~ a pUb @ Selegle,thE gals w/o gUys anD u know what~i jUst rEalise~ mY hanD is sOoo smAll than a nOrmal hanD haa~ my family 'yi chUan' small hAnds + small lEgs~
Zoo yEsh its Zoo nOt ZoUk hor~ had a lOt of fUn after sOo lOng ard 10 years+ nv beEn tO zOo liao haa~ tired,hOt,tirSy bUt tat dOesn't brlng oUr mOod dOwn haa! lOts of happEning things happEned haa~ tUne in fOr the plc belOw!!! Here wE rEach thilAnd haa~ Wanna See hOw a baby elephaNt was boRn : nExt dEstination AustraliA~ Show tlmE: this stUpid blaCk chimpanzeE thrOw a small woOden stick @ uS man! wOw nOt bad within 8 hrs,wE managEd tO travel tO many cOuntires tO visit all thE animals haa~wOrth it huh gals hee!!!