Death is a word,
and it is the word,
the image,
that creates fear.

Death is nothing,
but to live
defeated is to 
die every day
The most sadness of all is Dr Jeremy Ng.
The whole of GES nurses, doctors and anyone who knows him
broke down immediately when news fire out.
It is indeed SGH loss, 
but may your soul be in heaven now with the angels.

 In my job scope, 
i dont experience dead
as much as what the ward settings has

In OT, as a team,
whenever pt collapse,
we fight, we support, 
we do everything we can just to make
sure our pt dont died on table.

Last 6 months of 2020 and 
last 2 days into a New Year...
i guess i experience the most number 
collapse on table and eventually didnt make it.

Being call back for my "liver call" duties...
when i though everything should be nicely done by midnight.
Unexpectedly, i couldnt take over as 
it was a warzone, we need extra pairs of hands.
It was suppose to be a happy ending for the pt.
I see him in reception, bring him in while waiting for the donation.
He was suppose to received this beautiful liver.
He was suppose to have an extended life ahead.

We had such a good team.
Our anaes, our hpb surgeons & my hpb nurses.
and despite everything,
finally when we have nothing,
nothing to do anymore,
nothing to keep on pushing,
nothing more than what our humanity
needs us to continue...

We call the time of death...
I stood there, fighting with my tears...
I'm Sorry! We couldnt do more.
I hope you Rest In Peace Sir.
And I guess the liver found it new owner now...


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