
Showing posts from December, 2015

End of 2015

Time flies ~ and the NY will be on us faster than a cape-wearing man flying in tights ~ It’s somehow at the last 2 days of the year, which means it’s time to  start finishing up for what is on your hands and prep for the new year ~ Experience and time changes the way we look at things ~ Attitude and trust changes the way we look at human beings ~ I guess at this age, we loses friends more than we make new ones ~ But still, the true one stays ~ 2015 is another exciting year ~ Reflecting a year which i spend it overseas backpacking in the South America ~ One bucket list down that enrich me with so much of travelling ~ A year i have been looking forward to getting this HMDP award ~ and travel out of my comfort zone to another country for training ~ At the same time when our father of Singapore pass away ~ I never knew that i que up for a whole night just to thank him in that couple of mins for everything that he has build for...
First week of HL gone ~ Day 9/180
记得你是 孩子,你难过,就哭,狠狠的哭。 午夜梦回,随你便,然后再忘记你是 孩, 站在太阳下,就要懂得什么是坚强。
Today is Day 1/180 ~ I will be strong!