
Showing posts from 2011
thank you 2011 ~ for all the nights i have to go through thinking of the past ~ for a rebound feeling which make me realise my mistake ~ for a little changes being influence in my own travel plans  ~ for all the beautiful moments i cherished with my family ~ for all the times i sob and become stronger ~  for the new friendship i befriend with my pretty colleagues ~ for a new pers pectives & new horizon in work ~ for the amazing feeling of stepping out of the circle again but remain unmoved ~  for the tears or smile i had to make sure someone is happy as it is ~  thank you 2011 for giving me a new meaning in life ~ May 2012 be an even great, bright and happy year ~
  好好珍惜2011年最后的时光, 因为你不知道明年你会多么想念这个时候。  希望2012会更好~
human beings are just a bunch of living species ~ antomy physiology male  female gender roles life cycle personality traits emotion culture language self reflection society  and lastly  love?
成熟,就是能承受很多不确定的事情并存在生活中。 但晚上仍能睡着,起床后仍然能兴高采烈地去外理每一件事。 成熟,就是能承受快乐和悲伤并存在生活中, 快乐时不悲伤,悲伤过后也能自己快乐回去。
running has become a routine or should i say hobby or just a way to keep fit for me. everyone runs,be it long or short distance or just even chasing the bus when you know you are late for work. i started my first run with Standard Chartered in 2007. but it has never occurred to me that i can join marathons and run till today. i admit i don't train regularly for my run but at least i don't complain that my workload is pilling up that i dun even have the time to run. maybe just a 30mins short distance run as compare to you sitting in front of your laptop and facebook without anything done! or maybe just a 30mins run could get your work done even better after that, isn't it great? sometimes i ask myself what do i exactly run for? for a medal, for an achievement, for health? some people says that they find it very foolish and waste money to pay just for a run. ask yourself, do you get up everyday to run or perhaps once a week? do you put aside all your complaines of workload...
难过了,不要告诉别人。 难过了,静静的蹲下来抱着自己,让眼泪尽情的欷落 ~ 难过了,拿着镜子看看此刻的自己,让真实浮现眼前 ~ 难过了,默默的将自己掩藏起来,让空虚掩盖一切。。。 别哭了~
看了这部戏后,有没有勾起了你青纯的读书生涯 ~ 不是每个人的读书生涯都那么精彩虹~ 但背后都会有一些后悔或诙暗的事情~ 一部电影不是喜就是悲~ 但这部是 把 自己的祝福给了对方~ 那 是一件不容易的事啊~ 有几个人能办到呢? 我爱上了这部故事,这首歌和这句对白~ “ 對啦 , 我就是幼稚 ,   才會追妳這種努力用功唸書的女生 ;   我就是幼稚 , 才有辨法追妳這麼久 !” 你被这故事感,这首歌和这对白感动了吗? 因为我 被 感动了~
 你遇见那个让你努力去追的沈佳宜, 或者傻傻追你的柯景腾了吗?
  有时后,心会莫名难受,却不知道为什么~  有时后,周围的人说说笑笑,却觉得异常寂寞和孤单~  有时后,静静的看着窗外,觉的自己是个很容以被遗忘的人~ 有时后,觉的这个世界真的很假,很虚伪~  有时后,真想就这样从这个世界上消失!
a trlp full of laughter, sun, sweat, smiles  not forgetting the other side of bkk which is flooded ~ despite the suitation, we still go ahead with the trlp ~  and thanks for everyone concern ~ we are now back safely =)
 kisses, is a universal expression in the social life of the higher  civilizations of the feelings of affection, love and veneration. a great moment to capture, not just because of the feelings evoked, but visually the symmetry and closeness can lead to some awesome photos. chanced upon this website - credit to Tom presenting  30 kisses captured in photograph
我们是一个人来到这个世界上, 终究也会一个人走, 所以,没有人会陪你走到最后, 也许有人会陪你走到最远, 但是最后的最后, 还是一个人, 所以,没有谁离不开谁
跨前一大步 堆后一小步