its near tO end of year~
sO is it 'OPERATION' having sales too~
damn freaking hEll bUsy like shit~
every mOment,sEc,min,hour~

im working far too hard~
anyone plz date me out~
anyone plz ask me tO stop working and have sOme fun~

sometimes work get sO fed-up that makes me think negatively~
and recently i've been having negative thoughts~
not becos of the heavy wOrkload but becos of the ppl there~
been offered a place too somewhere,somehow,perhapz~

nO time tO even shOp for christmas gift~
bUt no worries guys,this year im making christmas gift~
tO make up for my previous 2 years haa~

wlsh me lUck ln my BCLS tmr!


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