
Showing posts from February, 2006
YESH I DID IT haaa~ i manageD tO havE my oWn mUslc uP with the hElp of fernlE... THANKZ~ my 1st intrO of thE sOng shAll bElOng tO JJ title "DOWN" ~ OH GoSH,i fEll in lOve with it at 1st slgHt *oPs sld bE hEaring*~ its thE eng verslOn of this Chinese sOng trAck 3 here's the enG lyrlCs~ I can't believe it Tell me i'm dreamlng That we are still "we"? It was amazing Said you were lucky That you found me It was on a rainy day that we met You didn't have a place to go I said we just met so lets go slow but no You just told me to keep you from the cold Sorry i can't take it Why did u fake it Why did we kiss And i'm just dOwn You left me with a note without a sOund I figured i must have been such a child U'll never know how much i've been around How my heart just frowns If you're down I'll be your teddy bear,I'll be your clown I'll take you round and round and If you don't mind i could be ur standing ground Even if that me...
bEen sUch a lOng time~ sincE i cAn stay hOme in my cOsy little rOom~ & havE a gOod rEst! listEning tO all my oLd Cds *thEy are rOtting sOon* perhaps taklng oUt my nOvels and havE a fEw pagEs rEad~ clEar my rOom as it hAs gOne back tO pOst CNY days~ last bUt not least,stUdy fOr uPcoming tEst~ anD typing oUt thE prOject!!! i gUess 24hrs is nOt enOugh!!! in a bliNk,i'm gOtten finish my driving sOon~ perhaps will bOok fOr my TP tEst in 2-3 mOnths cOs i still mOre rEvlslOn~ + i havEn even pAss my FTT,daMn~ sO stUpld man mE~takE sO many times still fail bleahz! my drving bOok my prOgrEss haa~of cOs i'll nOt shOw my facE lol hOpefUlly aftEr pasSing my TP tEst prOperly~ graduate pEacefUlly~ fOund a jOb luckily~ gOt a stablE incOme cOntribUtely~ haa~anD gEt a family cAr my daddy,mY mUmmy & mE caN drlvE hee~ still lOng bUt tat's my objEctlvE in thE nEar fUture!!! oF cOs i've tO fUllfIll thE abOve 3 criteria in my mOre nearer fuTUre nOW!!! K tata goTTen stUdy for my 3077 ...
2 years agO,wE were still together celebrating bUt 2 yrs later~ hE walk pAssEd mE & wE shAke hAnds wishing eACH OthEr~ wEll that's nOt the main pOint! thE main pOint iS pHewW~lUcky 2 yrs nOw wE are Not Together cOs its finally i'vE seEn his tRue cOlour tOwArDs his gF nOw,wahaHa~~~ anyway... H.A.P.P.Y.V.A.L.E.N.T.I.N.E.S.D.A.Y alyO dunO which person crEate thlS day jUst fOr haPpy cOuplEs & lOnesOme singlEs~ it cOuld just bE everyday if every cOuple sTay swEetly etc...... fOr mE,i canT bE bOtherEd with it cOs i'vE beEn singlE since thEn wahaaa~ nOthing tO envlOus abOut gals havlng fLowerS or giftS tO receivEd frOm gUys!!! WastE of tlmE cRacklng uR hEad what tO gEt fOr him or hEr for every V.Day~ eSpEcially dRead getting gifTs fOr gUys bleAHZ wether its,bday etC~ *oR pErhaps whEn U gOt a bf thEn u'll nOt bE likE this liao pEili* oH nO,i'll still bE the sAme,dRead~ dRagging mySelf tO get sOmething jUst fOr him oN tat 'sPecial' day oF h...
Part 8 -Ways to Be Happy 141) The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss. 142) View a meteor shower and get caught up in the wonder of it all. 143) For a happy daydream, remember: your first kiss�K.your first cara big surprise party�Kreceiving an award�Ka childhood dance�K the first day of summer vacation. 144) Write thank-you notes to all the people who have helped you in the last month. 145) Make your next vacation a quite, relaxing on. 146) Do you need to lower your blood pressure? Pet your dog for fifteen minutes a day; it has been proven to lower one…s blood pressure. 147) Do the ordinary stuff in an some-one on a downhill skid. 148) Keep all your promises, especially those made to yourself. 149) He, who fears he will suffer, already suffers because of his fear. 150) Realize that life is a journey, not a destination. 151) Life is an exiting journey, and all that has hit a major or major detour. Remember that, in time, your journey will be wonder...
back with mOre pOstings... Lunar 3: wEnt francls hOuse fOr lUnch + dinner + ktV.... lOves hls dOg RlgO soOOO cUte!!! lin jlE mE Kaljlng Lunar 4: haa~oF cOs sch starts & whEre the stRess & frictlOn all bEgans!!! Lunar 5: 1 wOrd tO describE "S.T.R.E.S.S" Lunar 6 evenlng: 1 by 1,wE prOmise tO visit each other hOuse sO da~la my house 1st dEstination! too bad bLur on chlO bU only! fire spaRks Night : was oUt at a chilling pUb with Adrlan,Suman,ChlO bU,PeiJin!!! suman,what r U dOing Valentine TEE~i can't imaglnE the wOrld wlthOut Uuu~anyonE wanan gEt thls nice ambience U on camEra indian dance at night!!! Night Merlion what U lOoking at PJ~ aCt cUte gUy dReamlng mE bLur cOck,what U lOoking at haa! K.A.G.S nEed tO say mOre say mE somemOre i klck uR aSs! stAr + lEgs Lunar 7 Noon: was Out tO NovEen hOuse fOr sOme majOng,that's oUr every yEar regUlations haa! majOng tlmE Prl sCh kaklS Lunar 8 Night: nOt forgEttlng gRacE hOuse *ops i'm wrOng is ChlO bU hOuse* at ni...
staring at the bOoks on my studies tablE... management of nursing~ community health nursing~ social psycho~ behavior modification~ social wOrk~ abnormal psycho~ staring blankly,i dUnno which 1 tO start 1st!!! the main thing in my mind is the starting of March 27th PRCP~ will i bE ablE to get over it for the whOle 6 weEks or will i bE suffering over there!!! dUn say PRCP,my exam in March,i alsO cant granteE i'll pasS man~ i really sUcks at psYcho & social!!! i REALLY NEED A LOT OF TIME~ GOD CAN U GIVE ME 48 HRS PER DAY ARGGGGggggggg~~~~~ -------- tlmE fOr sOme CNY 2006 blOgging -------- its always the sAme every yEar on the 1st of Lunar~ GrandparEnts visit & stAy there all day lOng watCh tv,slP,eat nO more!!! 2nd Lunar: early mOrning,my hOuse is the nExt stOp!!! my hOuse liOndance @ my nEighbOur hSe wOw,still gOt the Chai Shen Ye hee!!! anD nOon timE is my 3rd aUnt hOuse where its tUrns intO a gambling dEm always dUring CNY!!! nOt forgEtting the phOto taklng frEaks with my c...