last 2nd day of NY 2006... u might thOugh i'm here tO blog on my past 2005 & my NY resolutions... tat i shall leave it out in few days time 1st... my main prioity now is... i wiSh tO appeal anyone or my friends oUt there tO help pRay & fOld paper crAnes!!! i've a friend whO has only 2 more mths left bEcos of cAncer! i and a friend jUst wantEd tO help make ard 1000 paper cranEs... tO wISh fOr a miracles fOr him! i know this's impossible bUt i cant jUst sit there dO nothing!!! a little milEs gOes a long way!!! if u wanNa jOin mE & my friends,u can foLd sOme anD msg mE if u wanna pasS it tO me! *jUst naormal small size paper will dO* in advancE thankz a lot!!!
Showing posts from December, 2005
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i just receievd an early "christmas present" ... in which this present will follow me for 1/2 a year... never ever will i forget about this present... cOs its settle in my lifE of path that i've tO walk... a 2nd gReat dOwnfall i'm receving again!!! never will my this christmas bE jOyfUl,pEacefUl again!!! I HATE THIS NOVEMBER & DECEMBER!!!
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Part 7- Ways tO bE Happy 111) Surprise a good friend with a gift for no special occasion. 112) Remember your childhood dream. Maybe it…s not too late to start living them. 113) Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties. 114) Remember that life usually offers lots of options for most problems. 115) Get this�Xbad things happen in everybody… life, not just yours. 116) Listen to your conscience. it was put there for a reason. 117) Purse job opportunities that allow you to challenge yourself. 118) Look for your healing to come from within, not from the outside. 119) Move to a foreign country for a year. 120) Go after all the things you want from every area of your life. 121) Vow to earn a million dollars during the next twelve year. 122) Say ‥good morning… to god everyday. 123) When you feel upright, try doing a few shoulder shrugs. simply lift your shoulders as high as you can and then release them. 124) To help you relax, get a CD of environmental sounds. 1...
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allright a big mentally & physically stress weEk ... i'm perfectly fine now~ yesh I AM FINE ~ nO worries guys! i though by just keeping myself real real occUpy i can dun think sO much... well that's just mentally~ bUt physically i'm real tired at the start of this week... and add uP all the "gals things" + the ongOing trlp tO bangkOk + case stUdy tO do~ was really shack till finally today everything has endEd!!! haven a sign of relive... yet nOw i've tO worry for my sUpp paper result! this time really scared,really have nO confidence in myself! ya indeed sometimes i wish there are 72 hr per day! cOs i've nO time for myself nOw let alone for others~ excluding my close friends lah!!! ~~~Attachment time~~~ sOri tO say,this is thE most nOt enjOying attachment~ what's there tO enjOy at IMH~ its just playing arOund,playing games which u've not tOuch for lOng with them... get tO see "some things" and 5 days is just enoUght for mE let alone ...
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5 days of attachEment @ IMH~ gOing bOnkers sOon~ perhaps bEcause we nOt used tO the suRroundings~ and especially thE patient! i can't disclOse anything sOri~ *but u can try asking me in persOn* sEeing thE patiEnt likE tat, wE alsO feel dePressed... we alsO slan 1/2... & lastly feel sad fOr thEm... infact we can't dO anything! wOndering whY are thEy likE that... whY ppl can't accept thEm in reality... a lOt of WHY in my minD!!! although this attachmEnt is sUch a relaxing attachment, play games,cOlouring,folD papers,excersise~ bUt mentally i'm real tired!!!
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Day 1 Genting : reach @ at 2pm~ quickly pack our things anD oUt tO Pizza Hut for lunCh~ thEn its shOpping timE~ spEnd a lot~yesh damn a lot!!! @ night wEnt tO a pUb call 'Safari'~ nOt in thE mOod tO dancE sO sat dOwn @ thE tablE anD enjOy thE sOngs~ till arOund 1am+,wEnt arOund thE 1st wOrld mall thEre tO take a lot of plc~ fUn!!! thE gals nice erhm what's the gUy dOing huh!!! Day 2 : gOtten get uP early jUst for thE free breakfast~ in thE end,we pay sO mUch went there jUst tO eat cornflakes~ allright,tiMe for OUTDOOR THEME PARK !!! 1st gamE : Flying Coaster --> fUn & exciting shiOk! sUbsequent games were nOt bad!!! had real fUn & real air~ its damn freaking cOld but i love it haa!!! night~went dinner + sing competition for the Grand Final of PartyWorld @ Gentings !!! not bad quite a nice 1... Day 3 : allright~ bOught breakfast for everyone, thE guys will tOuched tat thEy dO a 'dUo yi wu' dance fOr Shulin jiE haa~ *of cos a fake 1 lah & plz gO train u...