i didn't havE a gOod slp last night!!!
although i'm sUppost tO get uP early,
i gOt uP early than expected cOs i'm wOrried & fearfUl!!!

i just felt that i always have a gooD sixth sense...
anD wEll i gUess i'm right...
althOugh i keEp praying that my sixth sense is not accurate...

wEll i tRy tO keEp my emOtion dOwn & calm...
bUt whEnever i thOugh of it my tEars is already at the brim of my eyes~

i wannA have a gOod hOliday~
i wanna enjOy davld taO concert~
i wannA enjOy my gEnting trlp~

bUt i gUess my mind will always be oN my sUpp papErs!

i've a f** unlucky day 25 Nov....

i fail my modules...
i fail my FTT...
what's more i lost my THUMBDRIVE...

WHAT THE .....
i cant bE anymOre unlucky than today liao!!!!


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