Part 4 -Ways to bE HAPPY!!!

51) Now is the time to empty your childhood piggy back & buy yourself a special gift.

52) If you have troubles falling asleep, spray a little lavender cologne on your pillow. It will help you to fall fast asleep.

53) Try to brighten up even the tiniest corners of your world. Place helpful quotes on pot holders, in a briefcase, and even on your steering wheel.

54) Carry your loves ones… picture in your wallets, so that you can look at them often when you feel alone.

55) The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one…s sympathy the gloom of somebody else.

56) Ask yourself what your hopes for the future are.

57) Learn to accept your shortcomings

58) What you cant change, accept.

59) Know that a trouble shared is a trouble split in half.

60) Using a stethoscope, listen to how strongly your heart beats even when its broken.

61) Believe that God has plan for your life.

62) Wear a pretty bed jacket to bed to keep yourself warm on nights when you feel a little bit lonely.

63) Good, to forgive; Best, to forget!

64) Have a crush on someone? Ask that person out for a date.

65) Begin writing a new chapter in your life.

66) Every night make planes for the next day, to e sure that you stay nice & busy

67) It isn…t the load that weighs you down, it…s the way you carry it.

68) I had no shoes and complained until I met a man who had no feet.

69) Give yourself the birthday gift that you have been wanting for a very long time.

70) Try to be happy about other…s good fortune.


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