My friend's happiness is minE~ althOugh she jUst free hersElf from onE bUt nOw she's bEing attacHed tO another one~ dOn't bE shOck if any of our clOse friends knOw it cOs well jUst nOw dinner was a bit of shOck ba~ bUt nOw i'm wondering sometimes is it a gOod thing that bOth this cOupel is Ur v.gOod.cLose friend~ oR is it a bad thing that thEy are a cOupel *u are alOne* and whEn thEy hOld hands walk tOgether,in thElr oWn wOrld while U're jUst walking bEside at the back or frOnt~ i've nO idea bUt i can bE sure that i'll nevEr gO out alOne with a cOupel cOs i hate thE feeling and well i gUess nOt tO be a big lampOst! it'll only bE either mE & her , her & him or mE alone!!! i'm sOri tO say i'm nOt implying anything bUt tO blog out how i feEl cos this feeling is once again back in mE again! i really lOve hOlland village & thE Essential Brew Cafe bUt... a thOusand aPologise that i really did nOt enjOy the dinnEr anD the time at the cafE!...
Showing posts from October, 2005
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read hUl's blog & decided to do this since sEc havE nOt beEn dOlng thiS,bRing bAck the paSt and prob summarised wad i've been thinkin, doin ... and all about me! arhh. juicy lil bits eh? =P 1.Name(gender): pEili (F) 2.Date of birth: 4th Sep *muST Note dOwn lEh* 3.Address:nOrth-eaSt 4.Blood type: O+ 5.Height/Weight: tall/fat 6.Fave food: i eaT nOodle grOw uP lEhz 7.Hated food: garlic,oniOns ... 8.Fave artists: fOrever will bE Daniel Chan,JJ,Elva HsiaO,Cheer... 9.Fave genre:bOsanOva, pOp, r&b, sentlmEntal, jaZz *and the lIst gOes oN* 10.Hated artists: *eh cant think of it nOw leh* 11.Fave Karaoke song: Mei Li bEn nU rEn,bEl al dE nU rEn,KaO shU wO,dUl dE rEn *and the list gOes on fOrever wahaa* 12.First Love:16 13.First Kiss: whEn i was jUst bOrn wahaa~ 14.Fave TV-show: eh nth i Watch what is nlcE 15.Fave flower : tulip / sUnflOwer / LavendEr / blUe rOse 16.First places I look for a person of another gender: tanned skin / nice halr / attltUde / nEatnEss 17.Fave hairstyle...
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Part 4 -Ways to bE HAPPY!!! 51) Now is the time to empty your childhood piggy back & buy yourself a special gift. 52) If you have troubles falling asleep, spray a little lavender cologne on your pillow. It will help you to fall fast asleep. 53) Try to brighten up even the tiniest corners of your world. Place helpful quotes on pot holders, in a briefcase, and even on your steering wheel. 54) Carry your loves ones… picture in your wallets, so that you can look at them often when you feel alone. 55) The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one…s sympathy the gloom of somebody else. 56) Ask yourself what your hopes for the future are. 57) Learn to accept your shortcomings 58) What you cant change, accept. 59) Know that a trouble shared is a trouble split in half. 60) Using a stethoscope, listen to how strongly your heart beats even when its broken. 61) Believe that God has plan for your life. 62) Wear a pretty bed jacket...
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>>>>>>> althOugh u are not in spore now,still wanna hOpe U enjOy ur 22nd bday ok!!! >>>>>>>> HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY JASON starting jOurney of 21s,may it bE a smOoth one ahead!talthough u'll spEnd it in ur aRmy but anyway still hOpe u enjOy ur day!!! )))))))) HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY KENNETH (((((((( haa~welcOme tO the new clUb of 21st presldEnt kEnneth.dUn keep saying U are still yOung liao hor >.
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yEah sO happy... got David Tao tic liao... $140 heart ache and yEah finally Musicforest having out 1st out of spore outing hee~ *i must be mad,bUt whO cares* each and everyone of us are sOooo looking forward tO the trlp hee~ although the trlp is tO genting organised by Partyworld... but at least we know it will bE fUn & exciting hee~ Dec 2,3,4 - wE are cOmlng haa!!!
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back with mOre posting on a wOnderfUl weEkEnd Sat was @ Orchard PartywOrld tO celebrate PJ & Francls bday... fianlly 1 was 20th & the other 25th haa~ its was a mOre gals than gUys bday party~ it was alsO a wonderfUl cakE thrOwing day especially for Francls~ tUne in tO the plc bElow : rOund fOr PJ >. makE a wlsh tOgether cUt cakE cUt cakE Charlie's AngEls hee~ SABO TIME!!! dUe tO the lagging of blogger... i guess the rest of the plc have tO be seen in my webshots6... at night,we went tO marina sOuth for dinner... sweaty & hOt but fUn... bOwling was next... heihei,wE wOn sO the lOser : HJ,kEl,Shulin have tO treat uS drink hee~ a v.wonderful & unforgettable day ^_^ ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! tOday ran 3 birthday parties... 1st is delton *jasOn's they all army guys friend* 2nd is Kenneth 3rd is QingXiang hOhOo... i mUst have beEn prO having 3 parties same day almost 2 same time... heihei,taken @ the hOuse below
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>> -- enjOy ur day tOday ok!!! i'm someone who treasure friendshlPs a lot... every friends i've meet who have hit well with me,i'll really really treasure... even my ex says that i treasure friendshlp more than a r/s... i'm a sensitive & observate person... a little action or meeting my new friends etc,i'll consider my friend's feelings... every little things i dO,my friend's feeling will bE 1st... trying nOt tO neglect he/shE when i'm with my friends... bUt...... till nOw whEn ever i drOp my tears,it will bE either r/s,sch result,stress & lastly friendshlp... but sometimes i dUnno why... why am i treated likE this... i dun mind small jOkes/prank but i'll get angRy if it gets bIg... and 1 thing i hate mOst is when u get angry and ppl still continue tO say U what's more its ur gOod friends *can u guys take it,i dOubt sO*!!! i may pintch,hit my friends sometimes cos i know they are really my gOods friends and i know they'll not ge...
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Part 3 -Ways to bE HAPPY 31) Find a four-leaf clover for luck 32) Write to Santa & tell him how you would like your life to be next year at this time. 33) Open your windows and let some fresh air into your home 34)Spend one whole day being lazy 35) Tune in to your favorite television drama & be glad that you don…t have that trouble to contend with in your life. 36) Dress up to stay at home 37) Climb a tree. You…ll feel like a child again. 38) Give thanks for every single one of your blessings 39) Go sailing and feel the wind in your face, blowing your troubles right out of your head. 40) Experience is not what happened to you, it is what you do with what happened to you. 41) Tell yourself that it is good to get on with your life. Give up your feeling of guilt. 42) Give yourself someone to love. 43) Force yourself to greet each day with a smile 44) Know when to say yes, when to say no. 45) Surround yourself with beautiful things. 46) To relieve stress, try biofeedback. 47) Under...
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well i'm back with my uPcomings... was out tO shentOn way partywOrld on wed & fri tO support my 2 MF idOls haa~ Francls Hong Jing Xiu was PJ's friend HJ & Xiu did nOt gOt intO the finals tOo bad... bUt Francls got another chance tOnight... hOpefUlly there will bE sOme gOod news cOMing from him *Praying* bUt i gUess nO matter what the rEsults are,we'll always bE there tO support U guys... and of cOs we are plannlng a trlp uP tO Genting with PartyWorld cOs of special prices hee~ oh ya and YEAH... DAVID TAO IS COMING SPORE FOR HIS "LOVE CAN WORLD TOUR 2005" oCt a lot of 21st babies... rUnning searching around like mad for bday presents... + the tic + the genting trip... oh gOd i'm brOke... i'm really brOke... anyone care tO spare mE sOMe caSh...
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it strike me that from birth till now... that i've tO always do things dOuble than any other pEople... cOs i'm damn slOw... i'm always the last,the wEakest,thE mOst lOusy amOng my friEnd... examplE stUdy,my PSLE till mY 'O's then nOw till pOly... i'm always thE tOp fEw cOunting from the back... anD really i'vE nO confidEnt in graduating my yr 3! nExt singing in MF... i alsO cant gradUate in that... sometimes i jUst poNdER WHat kind of person am i or what catergory do i bElong tO... whY i jUst always cant dO things wEll... eVen i've my dReams, i still nEeD To work dOuble tO fullfill it! sometimes i really felt sO useless... i dUn blame my parents or anyone... i blame mysElf!!! p/s:friends out there reading my blog,i'll appreciated it if u guys dun call,sms or ask me anything. i'll be fine in a while... i jUst wanted tO stay quiet this way... my blog is the place where i'll always vent my anger on!!!
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Part 2 16) Want to look and feel better? Go on a diet to lose any excess weight. 17) Be strong, be brave, and take control of your life. 18) When times get really hard, learn to live moment to moment. 19) Spend 15 min a day learning a foreign language you…ve always wanted to speak. 20) Even if you don…t like it, put on a big smile. It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown! 21) When you get to the end of your rope, make a knot and hang on. 22) Order a gift for yourself from a mail-order catalog & Look forward to its arrival 23) Try to view your life as one big adventure. 24) Learn to laugh at yourself. 25) Attend a fashion show & pick out a fabulous new outfit. 26) Cry on ur dad or mum…s shoulder 27) Call a long-lost friend. Old friends are often the best friends. 28) Make definite plans for your immediate future. 29) Rearrange your furniture to create a fresh home environment. 30) Look for the angles among us.
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was oUt almost 1/2 a day singing with my sEc sch friends... cOs ZX was gOing arMy soOn mah,sO cOMe lets gather! p/s:plc uPload in my webshots 4 really enjOy singing wlTh u guys hee~ hopefUlly next oUting is plannlng sOOn... *almOst forgot about our ladies night right* oh ya... i'm obessed with another HK actOr nOw... actually i've know about hlm,find hlm gd-lOoklng... bUt whEn anNe was tOklng about him... oh nO,i really find he's really gd-looking... same as lOuis hee~ he's nOne others than "Duncan" *and well i gUess HK gUys are really gd-lOOklng,hee* haa~i gUess gals likE us gOlng mAd sOon... sO hee~i've link both of thEm tO under my links... anyone can gO take a lOok hOohOoo!!! p/s: anNe dUn drOol lEh hee~ lOusl dUncan
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215 Ways to Cheer Yourself i'll gOlng to post 1st 15 uP here then subsequently pOst the rest uP... hOpe its really dOes hElp cos from the 2002 of it,i chOse the one which is pOssible in dOlng haa~enjOy!!! 1)Throw a party that people will be talking about for years 2)Count up all the miracles that have taken place in your life so far. Know that there will be even more to come. 3)Take a chance and get involved again in life. 4)Sing your blues in the shower and let the water wash ur trouble away *at least for a few relaxing min* 5)Learn to enjoy being by yourself, so that u will never feel lonely again. 6)Focus your attention on the good things in your life and not on the bad things. 7)Go snorkeling to get a different perspective on the world. 8)When it snows, make a snow angle to remind urself of the guardian angel who is always looking after u. 9)Sing your favorite hymn & concentrate on the deep, spiritual meaning of the song.What does it mean to u? How does it relate to your li...