i swOre tO bE a DIY QUEEN waahaa~no a DIY Princess is enOught!

i startEd oUt dOlng DIY stUffs on my clOthing weEks agO.
anD till nOw i've oNly finiShed 1 haa~cos nO time...
nOw trylng harD tO sEw all thE plc oUt i likE & there it gOes on my tEe.

my matErials

my 2nd DIY drawing of the floWER

tls 1 is bOught not dO wan haa~

my 2nd DIY projEct haa~

my 1st DIY project

closer vleW

my namE "K"


hOW'S is it heihei,but the last 2 plc ls not dOne by mE...
i jUst bought the matErial & irOn down haa~
*at least better than nth right*

p/s:GRACE need mE tO help U DIY,i chargE v.ex hOr haa~


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