
Showing posts from August, 2005
i know everyone has beEn waiting anxloUsly for my blog likE gRacE waiting for me tO blog the surprise & kelvin for me to blog the sentOsa trip! ok i shall bLOg all in once k! 26th Friday Night it was werid having mE,Zaf & Shuli 3 of us out to watch "The Maid" *where the other 3,grace,bOo,nurani got something on* scary in the bEginning,waRm at last... "THE SURPRISE BEGIN" by bluffing mE to walk tO Wheelock place tO loOk for a COOKBOOK... thEn bluff mE to Lido tO eat... thEn bluff mE in nOt gOlng toilEt just tO stay @ there... thEn bluff mE say got ppl call wrOngly... etc etc etc... lastly,i really had a blg sUrprise... the other 3 of thEm,grace,bOo,Nurani camE with a lighted Fruity Birthday Cake... i was likE oh-my-gOd keEp repeatlng it... my mlnd was blank,tOuched,speeceless not forgetting a thOusand wOrds of appreciation!!! i never had thls kind of surprise before really,i swEar!!! you guys know i've beEn sad for the past few days before... and nOw re...
after a few days of mOodlness... i'm allright liao... thankz friends for all the concern... & i'm back... with a soar throat... + tirednEss + fEver uP & dOwn... nOt a gOod weEk tO start with... anyway happy nEws tO share... my bOss has just given birth tOday to a baby gal... wEnt to visit her at Mount.A... the same old face as other new bOrn baby... bUt its defintely a cRy baby,even little things can makE it cRy... Baby Calin Cry baby man~ mUmmy & baby
i dun like tO fOrce ppl tO do things cos i know the outcOme will never be happy at all... *tEars haVe been flOwing dOwn frOm mOrning sch tlmE tIll late nOw* jUst likE last year... and its happEned the same thls year again... is there a sOup where someone can forget about everything... including ur bday what's more its a 21st bday... friends arOund me are feeling all sO excited for me except mysElf... being having pressurise by ppl asklng me how i am i gOing to celebrate my 21st... and nOw u tEll "i thOugh u keEp quiet never ask sO dun neEd celebrate lor" what's this answer *f*... if i've nv ask tOday,sO its gOing to bE all the way quiet till thEn... i've already ask U about it,its U whO keep quiet abOut it... i didn't & i've beEn making plans since dUnO whEn... attEnding my friend's bday... makE me feEl sO happy for thEm... excEpt mine... ya,since u say dUn need celebrate what fOr get me a 21st pendant... what fOr say it serve as a memOry... i...
i flunked everything... my baslc + my NaFa... its allright nvm,i shAll go for it again on my baslc BUT NOT NAFA... wahaa~perhaps i didnt read enOugh for my baslc bleahz... my femUr + my hUmerUs *leg there* are ACHING & BREAKING SOON ~~~ 6 rOunds of 2.4km wakEs me uP tat i'll nOt gOing for any rUnning for the nExt conservative mths or year... anyOne carE tO dO a FREE MASSAGE for my lEgs >. i CANT even gOt down a staircase properly,shlt damn... hOpefUlly i dun go to sch tml by crutChes wahaha *lame*~~~ allright after a busy weEk,tlmE for restlng & rElax... cya friends!!!
Willy Wonka oh gOsh, u guys must visit thls webslte if u really lOve "Charlie & the chOcolate factOry". maybE u dun lOve charlie bUT u LOVE WILLY WONKA ... jOhnny dEpp ls sO fUnny oh gOd & i jUst got to know he's the Edward Scissors Hand... i likE the Edward Scissors Hand but i forgot whO is the the really so-call ed Edward liaO & lalala its hlm... wOww....hee~ i likE the sOng especially Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka,the chocolatier...
i swOre tO bE a DIY QUEEN waahaa~no a DIY Princess is enOught! i startEd oUt dOlng DIY stUffs on my clOthing weEks agO. anD till nOw i've oNly finiShed 1 haa~cos nO time... nOw trylng harD tO sEw all thE plc oUt i likE & there it gOes on my tEe. hee~ my matErials my 2nd DIY drawing of the floWER tls 1 is bOught not dO wan haa~ my 2nd DIY projEct haa~ my 1st DIY project closer vleW my namE "K" floWer hOW'S is it heihei,but the last 2 plc ls not dOne by mE... i jUst bought the matErial & irOn down haa~ *at least better than nth right* p/s:GRACE need mE tO help U DIY,i chargE v.ex hOr haa~
my thEory test has endEd... my 1st ICA prOject has EndEd... my pratical skill test has EndEd toO & thankz gOd i've passEd... watched Charlie & thE chOcolatE factOry... a nice,fUnny shOw...Willy WonkEr cUte wahaa~~ what's nExt??? my dReam is 1/2 Way there... i'm still hOlding it tlgHt... i'vE a lOt of thlngs in mY mind nOw... i fEel likE lettlng lt oUt... spittlng lt oUt everything tO him tO let hlm know hOw i feel!!! bUt i scarEd tat'll endEd oUr frlEndshlP as wEll... *in a cOnfUsed statE*