
Showing posts from 2007
have plans for : Siloso beach party cOuntdOwn~ A Private House party CoundOwn~ bUt all has tO be cancEl~ just bEcos im wOrking & oN STANDBY CALL ~ i know i defintely will bE in for this call~ cos dUnno wth dO some parents want their child by hOok or crOok tO pOp out on the 1st Jan dOes it make a difference tO be oUt on this day & other days~ just becOs the nUmber lOoks nice~ jUst becOs the whOle wOrld will bE celebratlNg fOr U~ allright,i've nO biase tO those bOrn on the 1st Jan~ bUt u know our jObs sometimes,its just sO ........ i really pltY a lot of others whO will bE wOrking oN NY/Xmas/CNY just tO mantain cOntrOl buT by lUck of any chance i neEd nOt bE on call~ plz sOme klnd sOuls sms mE bEfore 9pm and ask mE out~ greatly appreciated wahaa~ nExt: i hEart Hajl lanE &
finally blntAn piC are here~ enjOy =) Arrival + Dinner In oUr rOom tlmE fOr sOme lEisUre oUt ln thE sEa & pOol masSages tlmE tat eNded our whOle trlp =) nExt ls Xmas CountdOwn + Sherine Bday CelebratlOn HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERINE